BibleTech09 – Day 1 Reflections

Yesterday afternoon I sent a tweet that read, “It’s good to be among my own kind.”  It really is.  The highlight for me was the JPS presentation on the history of the Jewish people and communication technology.  What the JPS is prepping with their tagged Tanakh is going to be a killer app, and JT and Ellen are two of the most engaging people that I’ve me anyway.  I’m glad they took the step to hang out with a bunch of goyim this weekend!

The swath of people here is just staggering, and people are genuinely interested in each other.  I often feel odd at pastors gatherings because pastors are always trying to ferret out where people are theologically so conversations are always so guarded because, frankly, pastors don’t know who to trust.  Here we’ve got drupal zealots, publishers, coders, writers, marketers, and web-designers just pouring themselves into the conversation (and from a good spectrum of theological backgrounds).  I’ve had great conversations with people from Tyndale, the American Bible Society (I missed that they were here, good for them), Accordance, and Olive Tree Software.  These folks are creative and are putting their energies into the tools that are going to impact the way we study the bible for years (I might also get my quick keystrokes to change languages in User Tools in Accordance because of one of my conversations, so that’s a happy thing).

Aside from folks from “big” outfits (in mental real-estate if not actual size) I’ve had conversations with people doing some good work with podcasts, tech training, youth ministry, and mobile ministry.  It’s been a great time of networking, listening, asking questions, and just generally scratching mental itches.  I’m humbled to be part of it, and a bit unnerved – these folks is smart.

I did miss the rock band session last night though – I was beat and just wanted to chill out some – maybe next time.

The conference closes today (I’m presenting at 4:00 in room 2, “Sermon Painting” be there folks) – for folks who are here and reading this entry, who’s up for grabbing some dinner and debriefing tonight?


  1. JTW says:

    Thank you so much for the sweet words. Your presentation was amazingly entertaining. Keep up the great work.
    Live Lively~

    Go Phillies!

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